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SWTOR: 5 Things New Players Need To Know Before Playing

SWTOR: 5 Things New Players Need To Know Before Playing

As we all know, the core of Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is an MMORPG, and this game mechanism may be more complicated, making it prohibitive for novice players. Given the size and complexity of the game, this guide will give novice players a few things to keep in mind before playing the game. Players can go to the online in-game currency store to purchase sufficient SWTOR Credits before playing the game.

Identify yourself as a rookie and join a guild

Due to the complexity of the game, it is usually friendly to novices, as long as novices are inexperienced when they first start playing. But it’s a real disappointment for experienced players to declare yourself a novice after you’ve played a PvP game that has failed miserably. Usually most players are more than happy to help new players, especially those who are stuck waiting for new content. But as with most MMORPGs, don’t expect too much from normal chat, where the players are generally very bored players to pass the time. If you want to learn some skills and skills it is best to join a guild where novice players can ask for help or advice.

PvP mode is mainly for subscribers

In SWTOR, the PvP mode has many restrictions for free players, and if players want to participate in ranked PvP, they need to subscribe. For regular PvP matches, subscribed players are limited to five matches per week, and those without a subscription are blocked from getting new gear at the highest level while playing regular PvP. These players without a subscription can only use the previous equipment, so players who are interested in the PvP mode must remember to subscribe before the game.

Don’t subscribe until level 50-60

In-game subscriptions cost $15 per month, and in most cases, some free players will think about playing the game first and then checking their in-game limits. To save even more money, though, some players will start by playing the missions and storyline as well as the two free expansions. Wait until the player reaches level 50 or 60. For players considering long-term play, this is the best time to consider a subscription, as free players at this level have run out of content.

No cross-server, novice players can choose PvE server

Before players start the game, there will always be a task of choosing a server for their character. Characters are server locked, so players cannot interact with other player characters on other servers, so please think carefully before choosing a character. In addition, if players want to transfer servers in the game, they need to pay real-life money in the game. So novice players want to choose a friendly server, they can choose a PvE server, because players can’t turn off PVP killings for a specific faction in a PvP server.

It’s better to play with friends

Because SWTOR is a multiplayer game, it’s also possible to play the game solo, moving as anonymous faces in the crowd, from one mission to the next, ignoring other players in the process. But playing with friends is also a richer experience that can open up a new avenue of entertainment and strategy for players. Finding like-minded players in any game is a huge asset in the game.

I hope the above SWTOR novice tips can be helpful to you novice players. For more SWTOR game news and guides, please refer to